How do traders do it, overcoming setbacks, managing their risk and reining in their emotions to take chunks of money out of the markets? Showhost Nicholas Penrake chats with traders from all kinds of backgrounds, inviting them to share with us their highs and lows on their way to achieving consistent results.
Trading is a tough game – they say only around 5 per cent of those who try actually make a profit. Listen to A Trader’s Life to glean some valuable insights from the market wizards Nic get to talk to.
If you glance at my profile on LinkedIn, you’ll see I’m no big shot trader. Mid way through 2023, after nearly three years' trading, I'm still only break-even. But every week I learn something new. And part of that learning process is enriched by talking and listening to other traders, those with more experience than I have.
We all know that emotions can seriously derail your trading aspirations. It's been my experience - and I hope you agree - that every so often listening to other traders' stories can not only be instructive but inspirational, even comforting, to a degree.
Just one example: one of my guests lost 50,000 in just a just a few months. Today’s she’s crushing it in commodities. How did she do it? You come here to find out.
And here’s the thing… the picture I’m getting is that it’s not so much about the money, it’s about the challenge.
It’s also about freedom: finding a pursuit that can make you an income that only relies on your smarts and an internet connection.
If you can get there, trading can potentially free up your day, allowing you to explore a world that extends far beyond the daily commute to an office.
So, if you’re a trader interested in comparing your story with the stories of traders who’ve cracked it, or even if you’re just curious about trading, grab your headphones, open your browser and have a listen – A Trader’s Life.
Kim Yew - Filmmaker and trader with 100% win rate
So you know about Ukraine, you know about Gaza, but did you know there’s an even bigger war raging in Africa? At least in terms of death toll. i'm referring to the war in the Congo. Even though millions have died and many thousands are still dying, it’s a conflict that's hardly reported.
My guest for this episode is a man who set out to make a film about what’s been going on, and in so doing put an assassin’s mark on his back.
Kim Yew, filmmaker and trader, talks to me about film and his absolutely extraordinary win rate trading with a proprietary fibonacci tool and a strategy he learnt from Alla Peters-Plocher.
Boost your performance levels in front of your charts
I was looking for a way to boost my energy levels, without resorting to more coffee, tea or snacks, when I came across Magic Mind.
This unique energy drink comes in these handy, little bottles and works like a shot. You knock it back in a gulp or two and it boosts your energy for the next few hours without any of the usual downside of coffee or tea.
Nice taste, too. Close to passion fruit, but not at all sweet.
I tend to have my usual coffee in the morning then take one of these little Magic Mind bottles around midday - to carry me through the afternoon session.
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And if you don’t like it, you can write in to the company and they’ll give you your money back.
Give it a go!
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And if you're a trader with some stories you'd like to share and you'd like to be on the how, don't hesitate to reach out: nic.penrake@gmail.com.
Link up with me on Li.