Clive Arneil - trading at the sharp end for half a lifetime

Nicholas Penrake

How do you deal with bad days, the slow days trading? Who do you talk to? The cat, the dog, your reflection? 

Sometimes there’s no one around. You’re there on your own looking at red numbers getting bigger and bigger. Not every day, we hope, but it can happen. And when it does, it can be a lonely experience. 

Even if someone’s at home, who wants to listen to you groaning about a trade you missed, some heavy drawdown you can’t face losing? 

My next guest is a veteran trader - Clive Arneil. Clive makes it his business to teach and support all kinds of retail traders, from beginners to seasoned pros. He takes some pride in running an online trading room called At The Sharp End

Good humoured, down to earth, with oodles of experience, Clive is genuinely eager to help other traders. 

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